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Meet our Staff

At BTI, you will learn from staff who are experienced teachers and educators, researchers, practitioners, health workers and graduates themselves. Many have worked in private practice, for public institutions and for universities in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas 

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Daniela Brown

Programme Leader Grad. Dip. (Teaching) Secondary – Teaching and Learning, Educator/Kaiako

Jane Falconer

School Administrator/Postgraduate Studies, Research & Development

Kate Weir

Programme Leader New Zealand Certificate in Study and Employment Pathways, Educator/Kaiako, Learning Advisor

Mary Opie

Programme Leader Grad. Dip. (Teaching) Secondary – Academic Processes, Educator/ Kaiako

Rhena Kulasingham

Team Leader: Academic Support, Student Engagement Coordinator/ International Students

Richard Cook

Educator / Kaiako, Head of School of Social Practice (Mātauranga), Academic Developments