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Bachelor of Education (Teaching)

Are you passionate about inspiring future generations? Do you seek to teach and transform the lives of children and young people in Aotearoa New Zealand? Then our Primary Teaching degree may be for you.

BTI looks to educate wise teachers who are developing a gracious, secure and teachable character; motivated by love, informed by faith and inspired by hope. 

Studying primary teaching at BTI will prepare you for the classroom. Not only will you be well-versed in the curriculum, you will be learning from educators at the forefront of research into modern learning methods.

“I find myself studying to become a teacher which I never in my wildest imagination would’ve thought possible.”

Koti Tikitiki-Whittaker – Primary Teacher Education programme

BTI’s Teacher Education programmes are approved and accredited by the NZQA and can lead to registration and provisional certification with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand.

Why study Primary Teaching at BTI?

    • Both full and part-time study options available 
    • Learn in small groups onsite in Tauranga or in mixed-mode (online by distance) 
    • Become part of a relational learning community 
    • Staff get to know who you are and offer great learning support 
    • Biblically-based education is at the heart of our programme
    • Culturally responsive teaching strategies and course material 
    • Staff draw on the latest research and practice in teaching and learning 
    • Our programme is shaped by stakeholder feedback 
    • Get a job in your chosen career – nearly 100% of our Primary students have offers of employment before the end of their final year.  

The Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary three-year degree prepares students to teach primary and intermediate school children in a wide range of educational settings and with the Aotearoa New Zealand Curriculum. 

Graduates from this programme are eligible to gain registration and provisional certification with the Teaching Council of Aotearoa New Zealand. Our students also have a very high success rate when it comes to gaining employment after completing their degree. 

Programme overview

This degree can be completed on site or via distance learning.

If you decide to study via distance, there are four compulsory intensive block courses during the year. Two of these intensive courses are held on campus in Tauranga and the other two are online. Students under 20 years old usually study on campus unless an exemption is granted.

Full-time study requires a commitment of at least 40 hours per week.

Courses are made up of tutorials and course work, practical learning activities, academic reading and research, field-trips, micro-teaching, assignments, and professional experience placements.

Professional experience placements are a part of the course workload.  These are completed with a range of school settings and year levels.

Year 1 Semester 1: 4 weeks, Semester 2: 4 weeks
Year 2 Semester 1: 4 weeks, Semester 2: 4 weeks
Year 3 Semester 1: 5 weeks, Semester 2: 8 weeks

Part time options are available for this programme. Contact to discuss how this may work for you. 


At BTI We place a great deal of emphasis on student wellbeing. As such, we include in our programme a three day orientation at BTI. This is a structured event designed to support students to build relationships with their fellow students and their educators. 

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Year 1
TFND 5111
Teacher as Reflective Leaner
TFND 5112
Education in Aotearoa
TFND 5113
Assess, Plan, Teach: Te Reo Pākehā
TFND 5114
Professional Practice: Relationships, Routines & Te Red Pākehā
TFND 5121
Being and Becoming Culturally Aware
TFND 5122
Human Development
TFND 5123
Assess, Plan, Teach: Pāngarau
TFND 5126
Professional Practice: Relationships, Routines & Pāngarau
Year 2
CRPD 6211
Being and Becoming Culturally Responsive: Learning Languages
CRPD 6212
Hauora in PE: Relating to Others
CRPD 6213
Learning Focused Culture in Tuhituhi: Assess, Plan, Evaluate
CRPD 6214
Teaching as Inquiry: Responsive Curriculum for Dyspraxia
CRPD 6221
Cooperative Learning in Ngā Tai: Managing Self
CRPD 6222
Experiential Learning in Pūtaiao: Thinking Skills
CRPD 6223
Sustainability Education in Te Ao Tangata: Participating and Contributing
CRPD 6224 Teaching as Inquiry: Pānui for Dyslexia
Year 3
INTP 7311
Being and Becoming Culturally Competent
INTP 7312
Inquiry in Hangarau: Language, Symbols and Texts
INTP 7313
Rich Tasks in Pāngarau: STREAM Integration
INTP 6314
Professional Practice: Integrated Practice
INTP 7321
Inclusive Practices in Aotearoa for Autism Spectrum Disorders
INTP 7322
Teaching as Inquiry: Research Project
INTP 7323
Professional Practice: Full Responsibility

Primary Education Team

Gayle Te Kani: Head of School of Teacher Education

Janette Blake: Primary Programme Leader

Naomi Jones: Educator

Rachelle Hulbert: Educator

Sue Baker: Educator

Sahra Swart: Practicum Placement Coordinator

Bev Coombridge: Educator

Linda Brown: Educator