Home / Student Life / Other / Fees and Funding
BTI is a private tertiary institution, and so we charge fees for our students to study here.
These fees may be eligible for the government’s fees-free study, or also may be able to be paid through student loans or allowances.
2025 Administration Fees
List of other fees that apply to students
such as application, administration or withdrawal fees.
The table below covers tuition fees and student services fees for a full-time domestic student in the specified programme for 2025.
Programme | Cost in 2025 Per year($NZD) |
Bachelor Of Education (Teaching) ECE Note: applicable only to ongoing enrolments- no new enrolments 2025. | Offsite $7,687.60 |
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary | Onsite $7,871.20 Offsite $7,687.60 |
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) | Offsite $8,649.31 |
Bachelor of Social Work | Onsite $7,871.20 Offsite $7,687.60 |
Bachelor of Counselling | Onsite $7,871.20 Offsite $7,687.60 |
Master of Professional Practice | Offsite $4,514.76 |
Postgraduate Diploma of Professional Practice | Offsite $4,514.76 |
NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation | Offsite $3,843.01 |
Postgraduate Responding to Trauma Micro-credentials 801, 802 and 803 Postgraduate Certificate in Responding to Trauma | Offsite $343.27 per 5-credit course $1,029.75 per 15-credit course |
The table below covers tuition fees and student services fees for a full-time international student in the specified programme for 2025.
Programme | Cost in 2025 Per Year($NZD) |
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary | Onsite $25,741.60 Offsite $25,558.00 |
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary) | Offsite $28,755.31 |
Bachelor of Social Work | Onsite $25,741.60 Offsite $25,558.00 |
Bachelor of Counselling | Onsite $25,741.60 Offsite $25,558.00 |
Master of Professional Practice | Offsite $14,279.00 |
Postgraduate Diploma of Professional Practice | Offsite $14,279.00 |
NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation | Offsite $12,776.44 |
Postgraduate Responding to Trauma Micro-credentials 801, 802 and 803 | Offsite $681.43 per 5-credit course |
Postgraduate Certificate in Responding to Trauma 804, 805 and 8063 | Offsite $2,044.43 per course |
We are required by the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) to publish information relating to how BTI utilises the Compulsory Student Services Fees.
You will find most recent information available under Student Services Fees.
These are costs that you are likely to have to pay over the course of the academic year and include such things as stationery, textbooks etc.
It is estimated that a full time domestic student should allow $1,000-3,000 each year to cover such items.
There may be other programme specific course related costs. You will find information relating to these (if any) within the programme information.
Distance students will need to factor in travel and accommodation expenses for intensives. International students will need to purchase adequate medical and travel insurance.
BTI is committed to addressing the environmental impact of paper consumption across campus. Course materials are provided online in a format that is easy to read on your computer or mobile device. Should you wish to print these off you will need to factor the printing costs into your course related
costs. We encourage you to recycle used paper using the environmental green bins situated around campus.
Living costs – this may include rent, power, water, food, entertainment, phone, transport… The amount needed for these can vary considerably depending on where you live, how much you use, how many people you share bills with, and your living style.
Fees-free tertiary study or training is a fund for first-time tertiary learners.
If you’re a first-time tertiary learner, you may be able to get your fees covered for one year’s study or two years’ work-based training – up to $12,000. If you are eligible, we’ll organise payment of your fees with the Tertiary Education Commission.
Check if you are eligible by visiting feesfree.govt.nz
Please note: Even if you are eligible for fees-free, you may still want to borrow course-related costs and living costs through a student loan.
There are changes coming up in 2025 for fees free. The Government has announced that Fees Free for the first year of study or training will finish at the end of 2024. A final-year Fees Free scheme will replace it, starting from January 2025. Please check the Fees Free website for updates.
For information regarding student loans and allowances, please visit the StudyLink website.
BTI offers a limited number of scholarships or grants to teacher education students. We encourage our students to also apply for local and national scholarships. See Scholarships
In compliance with New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA) student fee protection requirements, Bethlehem Tertiary Institute has commissioned the services of Public Trust.
Student Fees (Tuition and Levies) are paid into Public Trust, are held by them and released to BTI periodically throughout the year.
Applications for a student loan or allowance should be made by students directly with StudyLink – either online, by phone or in person at one of their centres.
The following BTI Programmes are approved for Student Loans and Allowances:
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Primary
Bachelor of Education (Teaching) Early Childhood Education
Bachelor of Counselling
Bachelor of Social Work
Graduate Diploma of Teaching (Secondary)
Master of Professional Practice and Leadership
Postgraduate Diploma of Professional Practice and Leadership
NZ Certificate in Study and Career Preparation
It is the student’s responsibility to contact StudyLink to determine eligibility for all Loans and Allowances. BTI cannot advise you on this.
StudyLink – Hoto Akoranga – is responsible for the administration of Student Allowance and Student Loans in tertiary institutions. Students wanting to apply for an Unemployment Benefit, Student Hardship, Student Loan or Student Allowances should contact StudyLink directly. Please contact StudyLink to lodge your application before or as soon as you have been accepted into your programme of study.
There is a rule from the NZQA in the situation that BTI would close or cease to offer a course, that requires a refund of any unused portion of fees to students affected within 5 working days.
“Where a Provider voluntarily closes, or ceases to offer a Course in which students are Enrolled, the Provider and Supplier are required to ensure at least the amount of a Pro Rata Refund is made for the affected Students within five working days from the date of the closure or cessation, unless NZQA permits a longer period.”
For international students, in the event of BTI ceases to be a signatory of the Code of Practice, the above refund conditions apply.
If withdrawal (or deferral) is prior to the advertised semester commencement date, students receive a full refund less a 10% administration fee or $500, whichever is the lesser. If fees have not been paid, the administration fee is still payable to BTI.
For domestic students, withdrawal/deferral from a course/s within eight days after the start of the academic programme will mean that tuition fees and student services fees (if paid) will be refunded less a deduction of the lesser of 10 per cent of the fees paid or $500.
For international students if the withdrawal occurs up to the end of the tenth working day after the first day of the programme, BTI may deduct up to 25 per cent of the fees paid, provided BTI has incurred costs to this amount and can justify these costs.
No refund is payable if the withdrawal / deferral is after the specified withdrawal dates.
For more information about our refund policy, click here: Refund of Student Fees
If you want to dispute the refund amount
Study Complaints is a free and independent dispute resolution service to help domestic tertiary learners and international students to resolve disputes with NZ education providers. Study Complaints can help with the following:
For more information, go to https://www.studycomplaints.org.nz/