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Library fees and charges

BTI may apply fees or charges to your library account if you have lost an item from the Library or if you have failed to return the item. 

If you ignore reminders about outstanding fines, or lost books, your access to online courses may be blocked, and you may not receive your end-of-semester grades.

In Library
Student in class

The BTI Library charges some fines for overdue and lost books - please return your books on time so that others may use them also.

Overdue fines

If your books are returned late, there will be a charge of 50 cents per day per book, to a maximum of $10 per book.

Once a maximum of $15 is reached, no further books will be issued until the fines are paid. However, there is a 2-day grace period so if your books are returned or renewed within 2 days of the due date, no fines will be charged.

Short-term loans are charged at the rate of $3 per item per day, with no grace period.

Lost books

If we have sent you 3 overdue reminders, and you haven’t replied or contacted us to tell us what has happened, we will assume an item is lost, and you will be sent an account for the cost of replacement. If you find a lost item and return it within 6 months of payment, you will receive a refund of the amount paid minus $5 administration fee.