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Alaster Gibson

Meet our Staff

At BTI, you will learn from staff who are experienced teachers and educators, researchers, practitioners, health workers and graduates themselves. Many have worked in private practice, for public institutions and for universities in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas 

Dr Alaster Gibson
Certification : PhD (Educational Leadership), MEdAdmin(Hons)
Staff Code : #
Phone : 07 562 2930
Email :


Alaster has enjoyed over 20 years in teacher education and now works part-time at BTI as a thesis supervisor and coordinator in the Masters of Professional Practice and Leadership degree.  He is also actively involved in research and serves on the research ethics committee. His doctoral research through the University of Waikato, focused on spirituality in principal leadership and its influence on teachers and teaching. His MEd Admin research (Massey University) explored the role of principal leadership in teaching and learning.  Alaster has research published in national and international journals and has research interests in teacher-leadership, compassion in teaching and collaborative action research. Recent completed research focused on ‘Teacher dispositions and strategies for effectively supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students.’ His current project is inquiring into ‘Teachers’ and teacher-leaders’ understandings and applications of ‘Love the LORD your God.’

Alaster is married to Annette and they have three children, Isaac, Jessica, and Holly. Alaster enjoys fishing adventures, gardening, evangelism, and Bible teaching. Key scripture is, ‘For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’ who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.’ 1 Timothy 2:5-6


Gibson, A. (2022). Teachers’ experiences of students with social, emotional, and mental health needs. International Journal of Christianity & Education. Sage. [Pending publication]

Blake, J. & Gibson, A. (2020). Critical friends group protocols deepen conversations in collaborative action research. Educational Action Research, 29(1) [electronic version].
DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2020.1717568

Gibson, A. (Ed.). (2019). Teachers training college, Thai-Burmese border 2012-2018. Available at

Gibson, A., & Blake, J. (Eds.). (2018). Celebrating 25 years of teacher education: Inspiring professional stories from BTI alumni. Tauranga, New Zealand: BTI Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-473-46146-1. Available at

Gibson, A., & Blake, J. (2018). Improving teaching practice and student learning through collaborative action research: A case study of an effective partnership programme involving teacher-educators and four middle school teachers. In R. V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education (Vol. 55, pp. 39-77). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Gibson, A., & Chihota, C. (Eds.). (2018). Modelling Christ’s love and hope within professional practice. ICCE Proceedings: Conference peer reviewed papers. Tauranga, New Zealand: BTI Publishing.

Gibson, A. (2016). Exploring spirituality in the teacher-leadership role of mentoring through collaborative action research. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 10(1), 33-40. Available at:

Gibson, A. (2016). Joy and peace in teaching: A review of the research literature and biblical perspectives. In A. Imig; D. Pennoyer, E. Wibowo; G. Tjioe; J. Allen; K. Dixon; L. Idawati; M. Lucas; T. Drown; & T. Kim (Eds.), 2nd International Christian Higher Education Conference Proceedings (2016). Finding our place in the biblical story (pp. 105-134). Karawaci, Indonesia: Universitas Pelita Harapan Press. ISBN: 978-979-9103-88-8

Gibson, A. (2016). Joy and peace in teaching: Keys to effective pedagogy and well-being. In R. V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education (Vol. 40, pp. 1 – 36). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Gibson, A. (2015). Transformative spirituality: meanings, challenges and practice of compassion in educational contexts. In E. Roberts (Ed.), Spirituality: Global practices, societal attitudes and effects on health, (pp. 44-89). New York, NY: Nova Publishers.

Gibson, A. (2015). Meanings and applications of compassion in teaching: A practical review of the Bible and educational literature. Christian Education Journal 12(1), 8-25.

Gibson, A. (2014). Principals’ and teachers’ views of spirituality in principal leadership in three primary schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42(4), 520-535. DOI: 10.1177/1741143213502195.

Gibson, A. (2014). Exploring spirituality in teaching within a Christian school context through collaborative action research. ICCTE Journal 9(1), 1-14. Available from

Gibson, A. (2011). Leadership focused on an ethic of care. In R. Notman (Ed.), Successful educational leadership in New Zealand: Case studies of school and an early childhood centre, (pp. 63-74). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press.

Gibson, A. (2011). Spirituality in educational leadership: Engaging with the research. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 5(10), 35-42.
Available from

Gibson, A. (2005). The role of the principal in leadership in teaching and learning. New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership, 20(1), 65-78.

Conference Presentations

Gibson, A. (2022, November 27-December 1). Teachers dispositions and strategies for effectively supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students:  A New Zealand case study of 17 teachers. [Paper presentation] AARE Conference, Adelaide, South Australia.

Gibson, A. (2022, October 6-7). Teachers dispositions and strategies for effectively supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students:  A New Zealand case study. [Paper presentation]. Kuyers/INCHE Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

Meet our Staff

At BTI, you will learn from staff who are experienced teachers and educators, researchers, practitioners, health workers and graduates themselves. Many have worked in private practice, for public institutions and for universities in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas 

Dr Alaster Gibson
Certification : PhD (Educational Leadership), MEdAdmin(Hons)
Staff Code :
Phone : 07 562 2930
Email :


Alaster has enjoyed over 20 years in teacher education and now works part-time at BTI as a thesis supervisor and coordinator in the Masters of Professional Practice and Leadership degree.  He is also actively involved in research and serves on the research ethics committee. His doctoral research through the University of Waikato, focused on spirituality in principal leadership and its influence on teachers and teaching. His MEd Admin research (Massey University) explored the role of principal leadership in teaching and learning.  Alaster has research published in national and international journals and has research interests in teacher-leadership, compassion in teaching and collaborative action research. Recent completed research focused on ‘Teacher dispositions and strategies for effectively supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students.’ His current project is inquiring into ‘Teachers’ and teacher-leaders’ understandings and applications of ‘Love the LORD your God.’

Alaster is married to Annette and they have three children, Isaac, Jessica, and Holly. Alaster enjoys fishing adventures, gardening, evangelism, and Bible teaching. Key scripture is, ‘For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus’ who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.’ 1 Timothy 2:5-6


Gibson, A. (2022). Teachers’ experiences of students with social, emotional, and mental health needs. International Journal of Christianity & Education. Sage. [Pending publication]

Blake, J. & Gibson, A. (2020). Critical friends group protocols deepen conversations in collaborative action research. Educational Action Research, 29(1) [electronic version].
DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2020.1717568

Gibson, A. (Ed.). (2019). Teachers training college, Thai-Burmese border 2012-2018. Available at

Gibson, A., & Blake, J. (Eds.). (2018). Celebrating 25 years of teacher education: Inspiring professional stories from BTI alumni. Tauranga, New Zealand: BTI Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-473-46146-1. Available at

Gibson, A., & Blake, J. (2018). Improving teaching practice and student learning through collaborative action research: A case study of an effective partnership programme involving teacher-educators and four middle school teachers. In R. V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education (Vol. 55, pp. 39-77). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Gibson, A., & Chihota, C. (Eds.). (2018). Modelling Christ’s love and hope within professional practice. ICCE Proceedings: Conference peer reviewed papers. Tauranga, New Zealand: BTI Publishing.

Gibson, A. (2016). Exploring spirituality in the teacher-leadership role of mentoring through collaborative action research. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 10(1), 33-40. Available at:

Gibson, A. (2016). Joy and peace in teaching: A review of the research literature and biblical perspectives. In A. Imig; D. Pennoyer, E. Wibowo; G. Tjioe; J. Allen; K. Dixon; L. Idawati; M. Lucas; T. Drown; & T. Kim (Eds.), 2nd International Christian Higher Education Conference Proceedings (2016). Finding our place in the biblical story (pp. 105-134). Karawaci, Indonesia: Universitas Pelita Harapan Press. ISBN: 978-979-9103-88-8

Gibson, A. (2016). Joy and peace in teaching: Keys to effective pedagogy and well-being. In R. V. Nata (Ed.), Progress in Education (Vol. 40, pp. 1 – 36). New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers Inc.

Gibson, A. (2015). Transformative spirituality: meanings, challenges and practice of compassion in educational contexts. In E. Roberts (Ed.), Spirituality: Global practices, societal attitudes and effects on health, (pp. 44-89). New York, NY: Nova Publishers.

Gibson, A. (2015). Meanings and applications of compassion in teaching: A practical review of the Bible and educational literature. Christian Education Journal 12(1), 8-25.

Gibson, A. (2014). Principals’ and teachers’ views of spirituality in principal leadership in three primary schools. Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 42(4), 520-535. DOI: 10.1177/1741143213502195.

Gibson, A. (2014). Exploring spirituality in teaching within a Christian school context through collaborative action research. ICCTE Journal 9(1), 1-14. Available from

Gibson, A. (2011). Leadership focused on an ethic of care. In R. Notman (Ed.), Successful educational leadership in New Zealand: Case studies of school and an early childhood centre, (pp. 63-74). Wellington, New Zealand: NZCER Press.

Gibson, A. (2011). Spirituality in educational leadership: Engaging with the research. TEACH Journal of Christian Education, 5(10), 35-42.
Available from

Gibson, A. (2005). The role of the principal in leadership in teaching and learning. New Zealand Journal of Educational Leadership, 20(1), 65-78.

Conference Presentations

Gibson, A. (2022, November 27-December 1). Teachers dispositions and strategies for effectively supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students:  A New Zealand case study of 17 teachers. [Paper presentation] AARE Conference, Adelaide, South Australia.

Gibson, A. (2022, October 6-7). Teachers dispositions and strategies for effectively supporting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students:  A New Zealand case study. [Paper presentation]. Kuyers/INCHE Conference, Grand Rapids, Michigan, USA.

Dr Alaster Gibson
Educator/Kaiako, Master of Professional Practice & Leadership, Primary Teaching, Senior Educator, Teacher Education
PhD (Educational Leadership), MEdAdmin(Hons)
Staff code #
07 562 2930