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History of BTI

Back in 1970, Graham Preston, founding Principal of Bethlehem College, developed a concept of establishing an independent school founded on Christian principles. 16 years later, the Christian Education Trust was formed to acquire a suitable site and to build the school.

Bethlehem College and then Bethlehem Tertiary Institute (BTI) came out of this vision, and BTI was established around 1993. 

Now with nearly 30 years of tertiary education under our belts, we are geared up for the future of learning – we have a strong online platform for distance learning, excellent professional educators from all around the motu (country) as well as courses and qualifications that will set you up for a rewarding and outstanding career.

2018: 25th Anniversary Alumni stories

As part of BTI’s 25th anniversary in 2018 we reached out to our alumni and asked them to tell us their story. We wanted to learn about what post-graduation life looked like for our graduates, where they have been and what they have done since graduating. This E-Book features over 30 inspiring stories from some of our Teacher Education graduates.

“BTI has a rich history of 25 years of graduates, of which these are only a slice. But there are many others who are impacting lives, as their own lives were impacted by their experience of BTI. I commend this publication to you; you will find it moving and encouraging. I especially thank Alaster Gibson and Janette Blake for their dedication in compiling and editing it, and to all BTI staff, past and present, who have given of who they are to develop graduates for influential service.” — Dr Andrew Butcher

Students on campus