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BTI Mourns Our Kaumatua Huikākahu Kawe

November 16, 2021

“Pāpaki tū ana ngā tai ki Mauao
I nukunukuhia,
I nekenekehia,
I whiua reretia ko tō wairua ki te wai tipua,
ki tai wīwī, ki tai wāwā,
Ki te whai ao, ki te ao mārama
E oki!”

Aue, taukiri e, he karere tino pouri tenei.

‘Kua hinga te tōtara o Te Waonui a Tāne’ (the tōtara in the great forest of Tāne has fallen).

Kua mate to tatou kaumatua rangatira i tenei ata.

BTI is today mourning our beloved and esteemed kaumatua Huikākahu Kawe.

Matua Huikākahu and his wife Jan have been kaumatua at BTI for many, many years and their influence and impact are wide and deep.

May God’s korowai of aroha, grace, peace and compassion fall upon the whānau and friends of Huikākahu.

Psalm 73:26:
“Hemo iho oku kikokiko me toku ngakau: ko te Atua ia te kaha o toku ngakau, toku wahi ake ake./My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.”